Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!
Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!

Pentester Stories (4)

Pentester of the Quarter: Sunil Kande

Sunil Kande is Cobalt's Pentester of the Quarter! Sunil was selected by his peers as someone they enjoy working with who has expert technical skills.
Jul 1, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Pentester Spotlight: Matt Buzanowski, From US-Army to Red Teaming

Matt Buzanowski started his career in the US Army and now works with the Red Team he started and grew at a Fortune 100 company. Matt has been a member of the Core since 2017
Jun 29, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Women of the Core

Only 25% of the cybersecurity industry is women. We talked with our female pentesters about their journeys into this male-dominate field.
Jun 17, 2022
Est Read Time: 6 min

Pentester Spotlight: Arun

Arun has been a part of Cobalt's Core since April 2016. He is a big advocate of the Core's continuous learning and is a vocal member of the community.
May 24, 2022
Est Read Time: 7 min

Cobalt's First Pentester: Shashank

Shashank was Cobalt's first official pentester in the Core. We sat down with him to talk about how his journey into pentesting started and how he has seen the Core grow.
May 11, 2022
Est Read Time: 4 min

How Did Our Core Members Get Started in Pentesting?

Not many people grow up thinking they'll end up a pentester. So how did the members of Cobalt's Core get their start?
Apr 25, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Then & Now: One Year Pentesting at Cobalt with Arif

Arif (@payloadartist) joined the Core last April and shared his experience of how things have been for him at Cobalt for the past year.
Apr 17, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Pentester Spotlight: Harsh Bothra

From blogs to mind maps, Harsh Bothra shares how he creates engaging security content for his community!
Jan 27, 2022
Est Read Time: 7 min

Pentester Diaries Ep:10 Journey into Reverse Engineering and Exploit Development

Pentester Diaries Ep.10: Journey into Reverse Engineering and Exploit Development On this episode of Pentest Diaries,...
Nov 30, 2021
Est Read Time: 4 min
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