Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!
Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!

Pentester Stories (3)

Pentester Spotlight: Alexis Fernández, Retired Developer takes on Pentesting

Alexis Fernandez has been a member of the Cobalt Core for a little over a year now. He started in security as a Web Developer before switching to ethical hacking.
Oct 26, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

What it means to be in the Cobalt Core

What does it mean to be in the Cobalt Core? I asked some of our Core Pentesters about their experiences in the Core and what has been most memorable for them.
Oct 18, 2022
Est Read Time: 4 min

Spanish Speaking Community in the Cobalt Core

The Cobalt Core is a diverse community filled with pentesters from all over the world. We want to highlight the Spanish-speaking community we have.
Oct 13, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Pentester of the Quarter: Farid Luhar

The Cobalt Community team is excited to announce that our Q4 Pentester of the Quarter is Farid Luhar! Farid has been...
Oct 5, 2022
Est Read Time: 1 min

Pentester Spotlight: Nilesh Sapariya

Pentester Origin Story: How did you first get involved in pentesting? Back in time, when I was in 2nd year of...
Oct 3, 2022
Est Read Time: 7 min

Pentester Diaries: Full-time Freelance Pentesting

This episode of Pentester Diaries is about the benefits of being a full-time freelance pentester. I sat down with Core Pentesters Harsh Bothra and Parveen Yadav to talk about their daily lives and how they manage to be a full-time freelancer.
Sep 14, 2022
Est Read Time: 2 min

Pentester Spotlight: Apoorva Jois; Do you want to build or break?

Do you want to build or break? That's the million-dollar question that got Core Pentester Apoorva Jois interested in hacking. She walked us through her journey as a Pentester on the younger side of the industry.
Aug 26, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Then & Now: Nastor

Nicolas Astor, aka "Nastor," has been a part of Cobalt's Core since December 2020. We sat with him to talk about how he and Cobalt have changed over the year.
Aug 22, 2022
Est Read Time: 2 min

Pentester Spotlight: Ninad Mathpati

Ninad Mathpati is a Cybersecurity Enthusiast and Hacker with an ethical mindset. He has been working as an Application Security Engineer for 5+ years
Jul 27, 2022
Est Read Time: 4 min
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