Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!
Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!


Thoughts, perspectives, and industry commentary from the Cobalt team.

Pentester Spotlight: Mrityunjoy Biswas

The Cobalt Pentester Spotlight highlights the fascinating journey of our Core members. Through an interview style, we...
Jun 20, 2024
Est Read Time: 4 min

FBI Dismantles World's Largest Botnet: 911 S5 Botnet

This content was co-authored by AI. Discover our editorial practices.
Jun 18, 2024
Est Read Time: 3 min

Browser Security: Same Origin Policy vs CORS, Misconfigurations

This blog guides how to understand and evaluate CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) misconfigurations. As pentesters,...
Jun 11, 2024
Est Read Time: 12 min

Preventing remote code execution vulnerabilities

Remote code execution (RCE) attacks are a serious threat to modern web applications. Attackers can exploit zero-day...
Jun 10, 2024
Est Read Time: 7 min

Enhancing Ease-of-Use with Cobalt's DAST Solution: Introducing Sequence Recorder and Recurring Scan Scheduling

At Cobalt, we are committed to providing our clients with well-established security solutions that are both robust and...
Jun 5, 2024
Est Read Time: 3 min

AI Advancements and Their Impact on Cybersecurity Trends

According to the State of Pentesting Report 2024, a vast majority (86%) of respondents say they have seen a significant...
Jun 4, 2024
Est Read Time: 6 min

The Security Risks of LLM-Powered Chatbots

A large language model (LLM) is a system that draws information from large databases and uses artificial intelligence...
May 28, 2024
Est Read Time: 5 min

OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 Update: Essential changes for security experts

The Open Worldwide Application Security Project's OWASP Mobile Top 10 2024 final release is now available.
May 17, 2024
Est Read Time: 6 min

State of Pentesting 2024: The Impact of AI and LLMs on Penetration Testing

We are thrilled to present the sixth edition of our annual research report, The State of Pentesting 2024.
May 14, 2024
Est Read Time: 3 min
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