Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!
Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!

Community (6)

JSON Web Tokens

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. With the rise of JWT, Core Pentester Saad Nasir gives an introduction to the new security token.
Dec 5, 2022
Est Read Time: 9 min

Pentester Spotlight: Razvan Ionescu, Romania's 3rd GIAC Security Expert

Razvan Ionescu has been pentesting with the Cobalt Core since 2018. He recently became a GIAC Security Expert, Romania's third. Read more about Razvan in his Pentester Spotlight.
Nov 30, 2022
Est Read Time: 5 min

Introduction to Serverless Vulnerabilities

Core Pentester Harsh Bothra introduces us to serverless vulnerabilities. He reviews the top 10 vulnerabilities and concludes with how to remediate them.
Nov 23, 2022
Est Read Time: 6 min

Red Teaming vs. Pentesting

Core Pentester Saad Nasir writes about what the difference between red teaming and pentesting is based on his own experiences. Saad is a Pentester in Cobalt's Core and on the Red Team at SolarWinds.
Nov 21, 2022
Est Read Time: 2 min

Common Vulnerabilities in NodeJS Applications

Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. Today we are going to look at 3 different vulnerabilities by analyzing the source code of an application and how you can detect and exploit them. 
Nov 18, 2022
Est Read Time: 7 min

Source Code Review

Are you checking your new products for vulnerabilities in all capacities? Ninad Mathpati shares what you need to be doing during your Source Code Review and what attackers look for.
Nov 9, 2022
Est Read Time: 11 min

Pentesting Made Simple, an Italian Hacking Community

Core Pentester Reando Veshi has started his own hacking community in Italy: Pentesting Made Simple.
Nov 3, 2022
Est Read Time: 2 min

Pentester Feedback to Product Updates

Cobalt Core Pentesters can provide Cobalt's Product Team with direct feedback that is often translated into the platform. Director of Product, Mark Hamill, walks us through what that process looks like.
Nov 2, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min

Pentester Spotlight: Alexis Fernández, Retired Developer takes on Pentesting

Alexis Fernandez has been a member of the Cobalt Core for a little over a year now. He started in security as a Web Developer before switching to ethical hacking.
Oct 26, 2022
Est Read Time: 3 min
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